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Help and Support
  Problems with purchasing additional worlds or power ups?
Start the App Store app on your iDevice, tap "Featured", scroll down to the bottom and tap the button with your account information (if you are loged in) and tap "Sign Out". Start the game and login with the Apple ID you used when you bought the app itself when you purchase the new world or power up.

Game controls in Bubble Bust!
Please note there is no slingshot controls in Bubble Bust!, instead just tap a marble on the game board, or an empty spot close to it, to fire a marble towards that spot.

Contact Customer Support
If you experience any problems with the game, or if you would like to share your ideas with us on how to further improve the game, please contact us at: support@gameonarcade.com


How to Send us Crash Reports
If you experience crashes with any of our games on your iPhone or iPod touch, you can help us a lot solving those issues by sending us your crash reports.

These crash reports are stored on your iPhone or iPod touch when the game crashes. When you sync your device with iTunes, the reports are copied to your computer to the following folder:

<YOUR HOME FOLDER>/Library/Logs/
Crash Reporter/MobileDevice/<DEVICE NAME>

Windows XP:
C:\Documents and Settings\<USERNAME>\
Application Data\Apple computer\Logs\
CrashReporter\<DEVICE NAME>

Windows Vista and Windows 7:
Apple computer\Logs\CrashReporter\
MobileDevice\<DEVICE NAME>

<USERNAME> is the your login name for the computer. <DEVICE_NAME> is the name of the iPod touch or iPhone, for example, "Linda's iPhone".

The crash files will start with the name of the game and contain a date stamp, please send the crash file to us at: support@gameonarcade.com
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